Hadoop handy commands

1. To know which Hadoop version is installed
$] hadoop version

2. To list the contents present in HDFS
$] hadoop fs -ls/ hdfs fs -ls

3.To c
reate a new directory in HDFS
hadoop fs -mkdir <your/desired/location/path>/ hdfs dfs -mkdir <your/desired/location/path>

4. To l
ist the contents present in HDFS directory
$] hadoop fs -ls <your/desired/location/path>/ hdfs dfs -ls <your/desired/location/path>

5. This command m
oves file(s) from source to destination
$] hadoop fs -mv <your/source> <your/destination>/ hdfs dfs -mv <your/source> <your/destination>

6. This command c
opies file from local machine and paste in the given HDFS directory
$] hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <your/local/source> <your/HDFS/source>/
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal <your/local/source> <your/HDFS/source>

7. This command copies file from HDFS directory to local machine and paste them there.
$] hadoop fs -copyToLocal  
<your/HDFS/source>  <your/local/source> 
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal  <your/HDFS/source>  <your/local/source>

8. This command will empty the trash.
$] hadoop fs -expunge/ hdfs dfs -expunge
